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Customized Employment: General – Factsheet

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Key Facts:

Fact 1:

Customized employment refers to competitive integrated employment for an individual with a significant disability. It is also an individualized employment relationship that is based on the interests and needs of that job seeker and the employer. This means creating a position specific to the job seeker (see also 34 C.F.R § 361.5(c)(11)).

Fact 2:

It is important for the job seeker to collaborate with their counselor to explore their interests, needs, and job preferences in order to create their vocational profiles. This process is called Discovery. Close family and friends can help too!

Fact 3:

Once a career profile is created, the next step is to identify businesses that align with the job seeker’s employment goals. The job seeker and counselor will work together on this. The counselor and job seeker will collaborate to learn more about each business and their specific needs to determine if it would be a good match for the job seeker.

Fact 4:

Once the job seeker identifies specific businesses, the counselor will meet with the employers to learn more about their needs and to figure out if it is a good fit for the job seeker. This step is called Informational Interviewing.

Fact 5:

During informational interviews, the counselor will advocate for the job seeker and negotiate specific job tasks that reflect interests and skills of the job seeker. This is a collaborative process where everyone’s needs are considered and met.

Fact 6:

Once employment has been negotiated, the counselor will help to train the job seeker, now employee, on the job and provide other necessary support to assist the employee in being independent and successful.
Make your employment goals a reality with customized employment!
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