Key Facts:
Fact 1:
African-Americans are more likely to contract coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), be hospitalized for it, become incapacitated, lose employment, and/or die of the disease when compared with other racial/ethnic groups. Vocational, psychosocial, sociocultural, and environmental vulnerabilities, compounded by preexisting health conditions, exacerbate this health disparity.Fact 2:
Racial/ethnic minority populations have historically borne a disproportionate burden of illness, hospitalizations, and death during public health emergencies, including the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic and the Zika virus epidemic.Fact 3:
Racial/ethnic minority populations are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, as they are by many diseases. These negative effects include unemployment and underemployment and vocational disruption.Fact 4:
Public health and service delivery programs such as Rehabilitation Counseling can respond to disaster, enhance preparedness, and create opportunities for new approaches to intentionally engage socially vulnerable communities and individuals.Fact 5:
The impact of unemployment and underemployment on African- Americans necessitates more empirical research related to the needs, services, and plans to assist African-Americans during a disaster.Fact 6:
Community and public health leaders, allied health professionals, and counselors (including Rehabilitation Counselors) must consider the economic, vocational and health inequities among racial/ethnic minority populations, understanding policy implications, and work to develop culturally responsive supports for African-American communities as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves and resolves.African-Americans are more likely to contract coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), be hospitalized for it, become incapacitated, lose employment, and/or die of the disease when compared with other racial/ethnic groups.
Recommended Readings:
- Akintobi, T., Jacobs, T., Sabbs, D., Holden, K., Braithwaite, R., Johnson, L., Dawes, D., & Hoffman, L. (2020). Community engagement of African Americans in the era of COVID-19: Considerations, challenges, implications, and recommendations, for public health.
- Lone, R. & Subramani S. (2016). Natural disasters: Causes, consequences, and its preventive role in sustainable development. The International Journal of Indian Psychology.