Key Facts:
Fact 1:
The Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2019 is 60.6 million making people of Hispanic origin the nation’s largest ethnic or racial minority.Fact 2:
Hispanics constitute 18.5% of the nation’s total population.Fact 3:
In 2013, the United States’ 54 million Hispanics made up roughly 17 percent of the population. Between July 1, 2012, and July 1, 2013, the number of Hispanics in the US increased by 1.1 million.Fact 4:
In 2016, Hispanic unemployment rates fell to 5. 8%, their lowest level than even before the Great Recession had started.Fact 5:
Mexican Americans are the largest group in the Hispanic population and account for about 2 in every 3 Hispanics residing in the United States.Fact 6:
Mexican Americans have the most unfavorable health insurance coverage of any population group in the nation; one in every 3 Mexican Americans age 64 years and under did not have health insurance coverage in 2012.Some researchers have concluded that Hispanics are at higher risk of disability because of the interplay of poverty, low educational attainment, lack of access to primary health care and disproportionate representation in manual labor. -Leblanc & Smart, 2007; Leydorf, 2006; Wilson, 2005
Recommended Readings:
- Leydorf, D. (2006). Latinos with disabilities in the United States: Understanding and addressing barriers to employment. Oakland, CA: World Institute on Disability.
- Wilson, K. B. (2005). Vocational rehabilitation closure statuses in the United States: Generalizing to the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 36(2), 4-11.