When young adults acquire competitive jobs, they have mainstream adult roles and avoid the cycle of disability and psychiatric patient roles, which can be demeaning and demoralizing.
- Early Intervention Psychiatry
Part 1: What is Individual Placement and Support?
This video explores Individual Placement and Support as a form of supported employment; research findings supporting IPS service effectiveness; the benefits of IPS services; the importance of employment as a part of treatment; and the principles of IPS.
After viewing, you’ll be able to
- Recognize what IPS services are and how they can help consumers with mental illness
- Understand the evidence-based research behind IPS effectiveness
- Find out how VR and mental health services align to inform IPS services
Part 2: Building a Successful Mental Health and Vocational Rehabilitation Relationship: Collaboration, Communication, and Respect
To ensure successful service delivery and positive employment outcomes, stakeholders need to build working relationships based on respect, collaboration, and communication. Teamwork between VR and mental health services, state and local programs, and staff are crucial for program success. Funding options and leadership roles at the state and local levels are also covered.
After this training module, viewers will
- Recognize the importance of respect among program staff
- Know about state and local level communication for IPS service delivery
- Identify key consensus building practices in state IPS programs
Part 3: IPS Supported Employment Implementation
This video presentation will explain the steps in developing an IPS program of supported employment. It will discuss key steps such as: building leadership, maximizing funding, VR/mental health collaboration, tracking process and outcomes and program fidelity. Also, training resources for VR and mental health staff are presented.
After watching the presentation, viewers will:
- Know the best practices of building an VR/mental health IPS supported employment program
- Understand where to find training opportunities for VR/mental health state and local staff.
- Recognize elements of tracking outcomes, processes, and a fidelity review.