The recent issue of the Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal (RCEJ) features seven articles based on findings from the VRTAC-QE’s Comprehensive Review White Paper.
These articles focus on the implementation of evidence-based, promising, or emerging practices in vocational rehabilitation of underserved populations. The RCEJ’s goal is to share information that will improve vocational rehabilitation (VR) service provision and quality employment outcomes for people with disabilities.
Innovative Partnerships
Read the introduction to RCEJ’s special issue to better understand the importance of TACQE’s work. TACQE’s innovative partnerships of researchers and practitioners are engaged in the identification, knowledge translation, and implementation of evidence-based, promising, or emerging practices in vocational rehabilitation.
Fortune Favors the Bold Special: Special Series of the Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Quality Employment
Timothy N. Tansey, Catherine A. Anderson, David Strauser, Malachy Bishop, and Paul Wehman.
RCEJ’s Special Series Articles
Study methods used by the authors of these articles included scoping reviews, qualitative investigations, and quantitative research. You can access the articles here:
Collaborative Practices for Improving Transition-Age Outcomes
Explore effective collaborative practices for improving the transition to work for transition-age youth with disabilities. This scoping review investigated collaborations between SVRAs, secondary education systems, and/or community partners to increase vocational engagement and employment of transition-age youth with disabilities.
Collaborations to Support Employment Outcomes of Youth with Disabilities
Yazmin Castruita-Rios, Sara Park, Xiangli Chen, & Timothy N. Tansey
Improving Quality of Life of Persons with Disabilities Living in Poverty
Better understand the intersection of disability, poverty, and health through this scoping review. The article gives insight into how to promote quality of life of persons with disabilities.
Improving Health of Persons with Disabilities Living in Poverty: A Scoping Review
Muna Bhattarai, MNS and Susan Miller Smedema
Internship Experiences and Employment Outcomes for Young People with IDD
Learn how participation in selected internship models impacted employment for youth and young adults with IDD. This scoping review also examines work-based learning experiences and the relationship of these early work experiences to progression to competitive employment.
A Scoping Review on Internship Programs and Employment Outcomes for Youth and Young Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Lauren Avellone, Josh Taylor, Whitney Ham, Carol Schall, Paul Wehman, Valerie Brooke, & David Strauser
Internship Experiences and Employment Outcomes for Young People with IDD
Learn how participation in selected internship models impacted employment for youth and young adults with IDD. This scoping review also examines work-based learning experiences and the relationship of these early work experiences to progression to competitive employment.
A Scoping Review on Internship Programs and Employment Outcomes for Youth and Young Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Lauren Avellone, Josh Taylor, Whitney Ham, Carol Schall, Paul Wehman, Valerie Brooke, & David Strauser
Demand-Side Factors and Employees with Autism
Explore the demand-side factors associated with an employment initiative for workers with autism at a manufacturing company. The initiative examined in this case study was facilitated through a collaboration between a medium-sized industrial company and a human services provider.
Autism Initiative in the Industrial Sector: A Case Study
Brian Phillips, Timothy N. Tansey, Deborah Lee, Beatrice Lee, David Geslak, and Xiangli Chen and Prater
VR Opportunities for Rural Migrant Farmworkers
Discover a method to identify states and counties with the highest probability of rural migrant farmworkers for targeted outreach, services, and support from SVRAs. The authors reviewed data to identify this method.
Outreach and Engagement Strategies for Hispanic People with Disabilities
Discover effective outreach and engagement strategies for improving services to Hispanic people with disabilities. The strategies identified by this scoping review can have an immediate impact on participation if fully implemented.
Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Hispanic Individuals with Disabilities: Strengths, Challenges, and Opportunities
Beatrice Lee, Veronica Estala-Gutierrez, & Emre Umucu
Needs and Opportunities for Veterans with Disabilities
Gain a better understanding of Veterans’ needs and explore opportunities for SVRAs to collaborate with the Veterans Administration through this review.