Disability Adjustment Counseling: Certified Rehabilitation Counselors Experience and Perspectives

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Disability Adjustment Counseling: Certified Rehabilitation Counselors Experience and Perspectives

About this Session

The presentation, conducted by the Psychosocial Adaptation to Chronic Illness and Disability (PACID) Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, aimed to share the findings of a national survey on Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs) regarding disability adjustment counseling. The study explored the extent to which disability adjustment counseling comprises CRCs' time, the important topics and client issues in disability adjustment counseling, and how rehabilitation counselors describe their professional preparation for adjustment counseling. Results indicated that disability adjustment counseling is a significant aspect of rehabilitation counseling practice, with 67.78% of CRCs reporting its inclusion in their professional activities. However, challenges were identified, including limited assessment for disability adjustment at intake and a lack of application of psychosocial adaptation models in practice.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the prevalence and importance of Disability Adjustment Counseling (DAC) in the field of Certified Rehabilitation Counseling.
  • Identify key topics and client issues that are frequently addressed in DAC, based on the experiences and perspectives of Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs).
  • Evaluate the current state of professional preparation for DAC among CRCs and recognize potential areas for improvement in rehabilitation counselor education programs.

Complete the Evaluation

1 CRC Credit Available Upon Completion

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Meet Your Presenters

  • Hannah Fry, Malachy Bishop, Constance Richard, Susan Wiegmann, Kaiqi Zhou, Sara Park, & Jacob Rademacher
    PACID Lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison