Improving Employment and Retention Outcomes: The Role of Financial Education
About this Session
This presentation explores the role of financial education in improving employment and retention outcomes for young adults (18-24 years old) with disabilities. Led by David Leon from Virginia DARS and Rebecca Salon from the National Disability Institute, the session outlines the Financial Engagement as a Gateway to Employment and Community Participation Project, focusing on financial capability, life satisfaction, self-determination, planning for the future, and ABLE accounts. The criteria for participation, components of the approach to financial empowerment, and the importance of building trust in financial literacy are discussed. The project aims to enhance employment and community engagement by addressing the financial concerns and goals of individuals with disabilities, emphasizing a holistic approach that integrates financial education with service planning, job development, and placement strategies.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe key components of a financial empowerment program to enhance employment and community participation outcomes for young adults with disabilities.
- Explore strategies for building trust with clients and their families when introducing financial capability supports and services, including benefits planning.
- Identify the role of positive psychology in promoting employment and community participation outcomes within programs integrating financial education and counseling into service planning and job development.
Training Resources
Complete the Evaluation
1 CRC Credit Available Upon Completion
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Meet Your Presenters
- David Leon
Director, Workforce Programs
Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services - Rebecca Salon
Principal Investigator & Senior Advisor
National Disability Institute