
Working with VR Customers with Criminal Backgrounds

18 people like this Community Agencies, On-Demand Training, TACQE Training - Next Level, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, VRTAC-QE

Event Details:

Recorded Date: March 17, 2022

Time: 1:00 pm EST / 12:00 pm CST / 11:00 am MST / 10:00 am PST

Location: Online with Zoom

Cost: Free to attend. Registration is Required.

CRC Credits: 1 CRC credit available. Please complete the evaluation form below to receive CRCs or share feedback!


Event Format:

Recorded Training followed by Q&A.

Webinar Access Information

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Working with VR Customers with Criminal Backgrounds Audio Only (mp3)

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About this Event:

The webinar “Working with VR Customers with Criminal Backgrounds” is designed to build and extend on the Reentry and Rehabilitation webinar by providing vocational rehabilitation (VR) practitioners with information on how to most effectively work with and assist individuals that identify as having a disability and a criminal background.

The webinar is intended to inform State VR agency and related personnel about the importance of using a strengths-based approach to career counseling for this specialized population.  The webinar addresses post-incarceration employment policy, as well as preparation of materials and interviewing techniques to discuss past convictions.

Webinar Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this webinar, attendees will have increased understanding of:

  1. Unique considerations when working with VR customers with criminal backgrounds
  2. Post-incarceration employment policy and related resources, including the Restoration of Rights Project
  3. Criminal background disclosure

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