Event Details:
Recorded on: Thursday, March 11, 2021
Location: Virtual Event
Cost: Free. Registration is limited and seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Moderator: Amanda Poirier, Federal Project Officer, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration Presenters: Jeanna Caldwell, Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning Manager, Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development; Laura Laussman, CDF, OPMA, Trade Adjustment Assistance Liaison, WorkSource Oregon; AJ Lambert, Employment Councilor Specialist, New Hampshire Employment Security; Deb Furlong, MA, Program Manager, Workforce Development Division, Maricopa County Human Services Department; Nicholas Morgan, President, Adaptive Construction Solutions, Inc.; Claudette Parchment-Roehrich, Trade Adjustment Assistance Specialist, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development; Margaret "Meg" Odanga, Trade Adjustment Assistance Specialist, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
Hear from states on best-practices around work-based learning in the publicly-funded workforce system.
Work-based learning is a great option for trade-affected workers because it combines employment and training. This allows workers to earn wages while training and limit their period of unemployment. Developing a robust work-based learning strategy can be a challenge. This webinar is a best-practices presentation by states on what they’ve done to address this.
This training is provided by WorkforceGPS.