A Variety of Options
If owning and driving a vehicle is not an option or not feasible all the time, the Transportation Options for Older Adults and People with Disabilities created by the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center, shares a variety of transportation options to consider including:
- Demand Response (Dial-a-Ride): transports multiple passengers picked up at different entry points and are dropped off at separate destinations.
- Medicaid Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)
- Public Transit
- Paratransit
- Shared Ride Services
- Taxi Services
- Transportation Voucher Programs
- Travel Training
- Volunteer Transportation Programs
Also, learn more about whether an option is public or private; whether they are fixed route or flexible; and which options might be covered under the services they may receive.
The ’Getting a Ride’ Checklist
In addition, the brochure comes with a checklist for consumers to use when arranging transportation for themselves. The printable sheet prompts riders to ask about service area, scheduling, eligibility for assistance, cost, and accommodations.
Help your consumers to be prepared, cover all their bases, and have the resources they need to be independent travelers.