Want to learn more about helping people with disabilities pursue their self-employment and business ownership goals? We’ve collected some of the best training available on learning more about self-employment and disability.
Share your favorite training or resource on this topic in our comment section below. We also welcome your questions: send us a question about disability and self-employment.
TACQE On-Demand Training
Self-Employment is a Viable Option for VR Consumers – TACQE U
This training provides background on self-employment for persons with disabilities, including VR and national status of self-employment. Hear about VR consumer self-employment successes and VR counselors’ experiences with self-employment closures. Finally, get some recommendations for working with VR consumers pursuing self-employment.
Self-Employment and Vocational Rehabilitation Webinar
Take a closer look at helping entrepreneurial people with disabilities with their self-employment goals. We will explore the basics of business planning for VR counselors and share resources available to support the achievement of self-employment.
More Self-Employment Training
Webinar: Successful Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship for People with Disabilities
from Respectibility.org
The Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS) agency has had incredible success training their clients to become entrepreneurs. Join this free online webinar to learn how they are doing it – and what ideas can help others succeed: Successful Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship for People with Disabilities
Self-Employment: Two-Part Series
from VCU RRTC on Employment of Transition-Age Youth with Disabilities
This training is presented by Daman Wandke, who shares his personal experience starting a business as a person with a disability. The series is presented in two parts: