Research Summary

Research Summary: Community Engagement in the Era of COVID-19: Considerations, Challenges, Implications, and Recommendations

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A Quick Look

The authors noted:

  • African Americans are more likely to be hospitalized and die from COVID-19.
  • African Americans have underlying conditions that increase this health disparity.

Key Findings

  • Ankintoli noted that African Americans are contracting COVID 19 more than other racial and ethnic groups.
  • Certain underlying conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other factors were reviewed as contributing to health disparity.
  • The authors reviewed the Morehouse School of Medicine Prevention Research Center’s response to the pandemic and the community based participatory research (CBPR). Recommendations and current future strategies to respond to the pandemic are provided.
  • From the community health needs assessment (CHNA), certain findings were noted:
    • The chronic conditions that affect African Americans were identified as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and mental health. Certain stressors were noted on mental and behavioral areas on the CHNA (e.g., social isolation, trauma).

Putting It Into Practice

Morehouse School of Medicine:

  • From the community health needs and assets assessments (CHNA), certain findings were noted:
    • The chronic conditions that affect African Americans were identified as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and mental health.
    • Certain stressors were noted on mental and behavioral areas on the CHNA (e.g., social isolation, trauma).

Some concluding comments were noted:

  • Create community-based disaster health literature.
  • Host meetings with community policy leaders and other professionals related to community objectives and needs.
  • Host community mental health forums related to the needs of African Americans pre and post COVID-19.

Learn More

Data from the Morehouse School of Medicine and community participatory research were reviewed. The MSM administered a community health needs and assets assessment to over 607 neighboring African American residents. This assessment was noted as being essential even though it was administered before the pandemic.

Other Resources:

  • Gaglioti, A, Junjun, X., Rollins, L., Batrus, P., O’Conell, K., Cooper, D. et. al. Neighborhood environmental health and premature death from cardiovascular diseases. Prev. Chronic Dis 2018; 15. E 17.


Henry Akintobi, T., Jacobs, T., Sabbs, D., Holden, K., Braithwaite, R., Johnson, L. N., Dawes, D., & Hoffman, L. (2020). Community engagement of African Americans in the era of COVID-19: Considerations, challenges, implications, and recommendations for public health. Preventing Chronic Disease, 17, E83. DOI:10.5888/pcd17.200255.

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