What is DIP-23?
The DIP is composed of 23 items and two subscales: (a) executive level disability inclusion practices, and (b) mid-level management and staff level practices. DIP can be used to assess implementation level of diversity inclusion practices as well as importance level of diversity inclusion practices.
Summary Results
Item Level Results
In addition, we compare the unweighted importance score (score = 3 or 4: DIP practices rated as important) with the unweighted implementation score (score = 3 or 4: DIP practices rated as implementation) for each item. Based on your company's self-evaluation, a list of your company's strengths, a list of areas that can be improved, and a list of practices that your company perceives as unimportant and therefore no need to implement.

Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Quality Employment
Email: contact@tacqe.com
Address: 1000 Bascom Mall, Suite 431 | Madison, Wisconsin 53706
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