Resource Guide: Work-Based Learning

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Work-based learning experiences allow workers to earn wages while learning skills needed by employers. This strategy can benefit job seekers of all ages, from students exploring career possibilities to adult workers eager to gain news skills to meet the workforce requirements of companies in high-demand fields.

At its best, work-based learning integrates classroom learning with practical application and provides paths to educational and career advancement. Jobs for the Future offers seven principles for effective work-based learning:

  1. Supports entry and advancement in a career track
  2. Provides meaningful job tasks that build career skills and knowledge
  3. Offers compensation
  4. Identifies target skills and how gains will be validated
  5. Rewards skill development
  6. Supports college entry, persistence, and completion
  7. Provides comprehensive student supports

Strategies to Provide Work-Based Learning

Work-based learning opportunities can be coordinated in collaboration with private, for-profit, public, or nonprofit businesses in your community and/or through web-based resources. The learning experience must be provided in an integrated setting in the community. Where the learning experience is paid, payment must be at or above minimum wage.

Opportunities for work-based learning include:

  • Pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs
  • Paid and non-paid work
  • Career Pathways
  • Customized training
  • Career mentorship
  • Volunteering
  • Practicum

Recommended Resources from TACQE and Partners

Use these resources to learn how VR professionals can use work-based learning to improve quality employment outcomes for people with disabilities.

On-Demand Training


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