In this training, we’ll explore the “Illinois Work and Well-Being Model” (IW2M) and its application to optimize employment outcomes, emphasizing the centrality of work in meeting basic needs and enhancing overall well-being.
I Don’t Want to Say the Wrong Thing! Perspectives on People First Language
This training explores the profound impact of language on shaping cultural attitudes and perceptions.
Transition and Rehabilitation Counseling for Youth with Physical Disabilities
Robert “BT” Trierweiler’s presentation on Transition and Rehabilitation Counseling for Youth with Physical Disabilities addresses the critical period of transition from adolescence to adulthood for individuals with physical disabilities, particularly those with Spina Bifida.
VR Counseling in a Dual Customer Environment: The Impact of Building Dynamic Relationships with Business
This training emphasizes the goal of establishing and maintaining robust relationships between vocational rehabilitation (VR) services and businesses.
Providing Vocational Rehabilitation to Consumers with Justice Involvement
This training addresses the challenges and considerations in vocational rehabilitation for individuals with a history of justice system involvement.
Strengths-Based Rehabilitation Counseling
Strengths-based Rehabilitation Counseling, as explained by Steve Upchurch, is a client-centered approach that focuses on individuals’ abilities and capabilities rather than their limitations and barriers.
Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Supervisor Perspectives: A Comparison of 2017 and 2022 Kessler Foundation Survey
In a comprehensive examination of employer practices regarding workers with disabilities, researchers conducted surveys in 2017 and 2022, revealing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on supervisor perspectives.