By the Numbers
Only 20% of people with travel-limiting disabilities work full or part time jobs -- and that number has been shrinking the past few years.
-- Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022
Nearly 25 million people have a travel-limiting disability, and 3.6 million of them are homebound because of their disability.
-- Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Only one-fifth of people aged 18 to 64 work full or part-time if they have travel-limiting disabilities.
-- Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Recommended Resources
From the TACQE Library:
On-Demand Training:
TACQE Posts and Resources:
- Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights
- Autonomous Vehicles: A Transportation Solution?
- Getting There with the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center
- Rare Opportunity: Increase Access to On-Demand Transportation
- Transportation for Employment Success
- Transportation: Knowing the Options
- Travel Training Certificate
From Our Partners:
The Department of Transportation is dedicated to ensuring that transportation is accessible for people with disabilities. Find out about their comprehensive approach, their equity efforts, and their work to improve transportation options for traditionally underserved populations.
Disability Transportation Resource Center
The Department of Transportation’s Disability Resource Center provides many resources on transportation options for people with disabilities.
Transportation Resources and Supports
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is a one-stop source for a wide variety of disability transportation information and support:
Transportation Resources
The National Center for Mobility Management’s goal is to improve transportation options for all – including people with disabilities, older adults, and those with low income.
Resources for Rural Transportation
National Rural Transit Assistance Program have compiled a wide variety of resources for overcoming transportation obstacles.
The American Association of People with Disabilities promotes equal access to transportation for people with disabilities is one of the advocacy areas for the AAPD.
Job Accommodation Network: Transportation to and From Work
Although employers do not need to supply transportation to and from work, the Job Accommodation Network provides ideas for supporting workers with disabilities.