Subminimum Wage Toolkit

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The purpose of this toolkit is to provide materials and resources to a variety of invested parties who need to know more about subminimum wage pay, including:

  1. individuals with disabilities (and their families) who are considering entering subminimum wage work rather than competitive integrated employment,
  2. service providers looking to transition their model from segregated subminimum wage services to integrated service models,
  3. educators who work with transition-age students and need to know more about why it is important to prioritize competitive integrated employment over subminimum wage alternatives, and
  4. researchers and policy makers who want to gain insight through the lived experiences of service recipients in subminimum wage programs and how to support change to competitive integrated employment.

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Summary of Content

This toolkit is organized by title, format, and audience. In addition, a brief summary is included with each product. In total, the toolkit contains two infographics, one fact sheet, and 4 videos covering the following topics;

  1. how to work and keep disability benefits,
  2. how to educate others on prioritizing integrated employment services over segregated options,
  3. information and resource links for agencies looking to transition from subminimum wage to competitive integrated employment services,
  4. insight on first steps for agencies to take when looking to transition to integrated services,
  5. how to address client safety and transportation concerns when transitioning from segregated work to integrated, community services
  6. changes in the current work landscape and employer attitudes that have recently made CIE a realistic option for clients, and
  7. insight from a client who once worked for subminimum wages and who has since transitioned to competitive integrated employment.


This toolkit was developed by members of a Learning Community tasked with developing resources on the reduction and elimination of subminimum wage employment practices for people with disabilities. The Learning Community met monthly for 13 months and included 15 national members from 11 different states. Members represented a variety of different professional and personal roles (e.g., state Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, Administrators, people with disabilities, etc.).

Toolkit Products

Product #4: Video: Truths of Provider Transformation: Why, How, Then, and Now

Product #5: Truths of Provider Transformation - Safety

Product #6: Truths of Provider Transformation: Opportunities and Supports

Product #7: From Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment: Provider and Participant Perspectives

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