This training focuses on addressing the disability poverty gap through the innovative Securing Employment and Economic Keys to Stability (SEEKS) research grant and benefits planning efforts in Colorado.
The Importance and Ethics of Psychological Safety in the Workplace for People with Disabilities
This training session focuses on the importance and ethics of psychological safety in the workplace for individuals with disabilities. The session will explore the critical role of psychological safety in fostering inclusive and supportive work environments.
Holistic Approaches in Vocational Rehabilitation
This training focuses on implementing holistic approaches within vocational rehabilitation (VR) to empower neurodivergent individuals.
VR Roles in and Opportunities for Partnerships to Expand Inclusive Apprenticeship
This training explores the roles of vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies in supporting inclusive apprenticeships, with a focus on fostering partnerships to expand access for individuals with disabilities.
Smartspeaker: A Personal Virtual Assistant for Persons with Visual Impairments
This training explores how smart speaker technology, such as Amazon Alexa, can enhance the independence and quality of life for individuals with visual impairments.
Connecting the Pieces: Linking Financial Education, Goal Setting and Rehabilitation Counseling to Improve Outcomes
This training focuses on the integration of financial education, coaching, and goal setting into vocational rehabilitation (VR) services to promote employment and community inclusion for individuals with disabilities.
Bridging Opportunities: State-Level Collaboration
This training focuses on fostering state-level collaboration between vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies and inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE) programs to improve access to higher education and employment outcomes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
Stronger Together: Innovative Employer Engagement through Meaningful Partnerships
This training focuses on innovative approaches to employer engagement through meaningful partnerships, emphasizing the importance of collaboration across vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies, businesses, and community organizations.
The Inclusion of Correctional Populations in Rehabilitation Counseling Curriculum
This training focuses on the inclusion of correctional populations in rehabilitation counseling, addressing the unique challenges individuals with disabilities face during incarceration and reentry.
Technology to Power Successful Collaboration in the VOC World
This training focuses on how smart technology and artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance remote career guidance services, improving outcomes for individuals with disabilities.